Friday, May 29, 2020



真真假假,假假真真,真的也許是假的,假的可能是真的。世界上無論人、事或物,有真必有假。魚目混珠以亂真,狸貓換太子以奪王位,亦有傳聞。 為虛榮或實際利益,而取得崇高的身份或地位,學歷也可以造假,有人甚至以筆記冒充論文而揑造畢業文憑………. 這世界上假戲可以真做,真戲也可以假做,即所謂真假人生是也。

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Genuine or a counterfeit? True or a fake one? A genuine one may be fake while a fake one may be genuine. In this world, whether it be human beings, things or matters, the genuine and the fake seem to co-exist with each other. Fishes’ eye balls can be disguised as genuine pearls, and sold. A baby tanuki could be pretended as an infant prince to win a throne. To obtain vanity, actual profit or higher position, one may forge a scholastic background, including presenting manuscripts as a fake doctoral thesis, thus arguably procures a fake doctoral diploma.  In this world, a fake drama can be actually played whereas a real drama can be falsely played. Anyway, it is so-called an ambiguous life, a genuine or a fake one.
Justin Lai

Friday, May 22, 2020

(古詩詞-98) 【又題寺後竹亭】

(古詩詞-98) 又題寺後竹亭



短短四句話把夜間畫欄賞字之意境道盡。這四句中每一句均用了個獨特的字。如第一句的「忽」,走完幾間空房之後,忽然看到壁上格一格的畫作。第二句:月光和竹光照進了小亭,置身其中使人感覺冷, 這一句的「寒」, 有如作主詞補語, 修飾「亭」. 第三句, 「壁間題字知誰句」「知」字應含否定之義, 不知之意最後句的妙字為「醉」, 意指修飾主詞-當時喝醉酒的我, 藉著即將燒盡的提燈, 走近牆壁仔細看看, 題字者是誰作者用「忽, 醉」四字為主軸, 寫出這首七言絕句.

Walking through empty rooms, suddenly I hit upon some paintings on the wall.
Moon lights shooting through the bamboo trees made the small pavilion chilly.
I have no idea who put their signatures underneath the paintings.
Though drunk, I took advantage of the remaining light of the lantern to take a closer look.


Justin Lai


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

(哲理-97) 【天地鬼神】

(哲理-97) 【天地鬼神】

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如果你認為,即使做了好事,鬼神也不會知道,何必做呢? 所以也就不必祈福。如果你認為,做了壞事,鬼神必會知道,也可能受懲罰,那麼就不應該為非作歹。
許多勸人止惡為善的古今良言中,包括「人在做,天在看」、「舉頭三尺有神明」等等,無非不在勸人為善。至於鬼神何在?牠們存在人的心中,即所謂良心(good conscience). 何時出現應是無時無刻皆存在(omniscient). 因此為善不必為人知,不求鬼神奬賞或獲回饋。本乎善知識,出乎至誠,心安理得,即使皇天后土明察共鑒,又何妨?反之,當惡念興起時,宜反復再思,滅惡念,棄惡行,則鬼神有知無知,都不重要了。
Should you think gods and spirits are unaware of what you have been doing, it is futile to pray to them for good fortunes.
Should you think gods and spirits are aware of what you have been doing, than stop doing anything evil.
Justin Lai

Thursday, May 7, 2020



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「山前燈火欲黃昏」由燈火、黃昏可體會出其昏暗的意境欲」字,用得絕妙,寫出了夕陽似落非落夜幕似降非降霎那之間的景象。「山頭來去雲」以來去飄然的雲來襯托,詞人飄忽不定的淒苦之情;「鷓鴣聲裡數家村」,鷓鴣聲聲,暗含淒涼,「數」表現出了村子稀落蕭瑟荒涼。在冷清的瀟湘道上喜逢故人。以「揮羽扇,整綸巾」,可以聯想到年少時像諸葛亮當年一樣風流瀟灑,手執羽扇,頭戴綸巾,意氣風發,風度瀟灑鎮定自若地指揮千軍萬馬與敵鏖戰。「賦招魂」「多誤身」屬於運用典故的表現手法;由「如今憔悴」,同年少時的「揮羽扇,整綸巾」形成鮮明的對比,通過對比突出表現的漂淪憔悴、落魄江湖的詞人形象,來表達詞人壯志難酬、報國無門的痛苦與鬱憤。最後借用杜甫詩句「紈袴不餓死,儒官多誤身 表現對當時議和派的強烈控訴,以及自己一身落魄蹉跎的痛苦心境。如今雖然憔悴落魄,但我要像宋玉作《招魂》賦以招回失去的靈魂,自古以來書生多是無用之輩,少年讀書多反而誤了自身。本詞充分表現詞人忠心愛國,壯志未酬的熱情。
In front of the mountain the flickering lights show the sun is about to set. On top of the mountain, drifting back and forth are the clouds. Amid the chirping sounds of partridges are some village people living in desolation. Where the two rivers, the Xiao and the Hsiang merge, I am excited to come across an old friend. In my youth days, I was as confident and capable as Zhu Goh Liang(諸葛亮), the late premier of the Han Dynasty. Waving a feathered fan and arranging his muffler, he was brave, composedly commanding soldiers in fighting a sequence of wars, and won victories. But now, being miserable, I cannot but chant odes to summon my lost soul. Since ancient times, most of the young scholars have been good for nothing, only to spoil their bright future.
Justin Lai

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Condolences over Jason's passing (刘世亮 同学千古)

Tue 5/5/2020 2:29 PM
  •  'Vivian Chou (羅梅生';
  •  'Jessie Chang (高秀錦';
  •  'Beatrice Chang (李效群'
Dear Vivian, (羅梅生同學)    

Thank you for your kind words. They make my heart smile. 
I’m humbled and grateful. 

It is very kind of you to send Helen Lau a lovely and inspiring
ecard and sent a “Copy” to me. Your thoughtfulness is a gift,
and I believe that Helen will treasure. 

Any loving, caring and encouraging words will uplift her spirits
and give her strength to face these most difficult and stressful

May God bless your beautiful heart and reward you fully for your

Stay safe and stay healthy.

All the best,
Theresa Chen Chang (陳芳婉同學)
p.s. The lovely and beautiful ecard that Vivian Chou (羅梅生同學)
        sent to our classmate, Helen Lau (張振芳同學):

Tue 5/5/2020 7:26 AM
  •  'Irene Sun (張衛';
  •  'Jessie Chang (高秀錦';
  •  'Beatrice Chang (李效群'
Dear Irene, (張衛同學)



Dear Jesus, our Divine Physician,

During Your ministry on Earth You showed Your power and caring
by healing people of all ages and stations of life from physical,
mental, and spiritual ailments. 

Be present now to people who need Your loving touch because of
coronavirus pandemic. May they feel Your power of healing through
the care of doctors and nurses. 

Take away the fear, anxiety, pain and feelings of isolation from Helen,
(張振芳同學), our Tai Da classmate, and help her to recover from her
illness. Please Lord, hear our prayer.



                    Stay safe and be well…..

Peace and Blessings,
Theresa Chen Chang (陳芳婉同學)
From: Irene Sun []
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 12:09 AM
To: Theresa_Chang <>
Subject: RE: Hello


今天看到你發給同學関於劉思亮同學過世的消息,心裡有點不安.  我是從張芙美那得來的消息.  
他們夫妻二人都感染都住進醫院.  劉思亮不幸過世, 張振芳情況稍好轉後轉到復健病院療養,
還沒回家(我接到消息時)我没連絡張振芳怕她心情不好影響她休養.  希望她现在已经完全


Theresa Liu
Wed 5/6/2020 8:12 AM
  •  davidtsai1119
  •  Able Lin (林景煌;
  •  Ariel Young (葉芳;
  •  Athena Wang (丁英;
  •  Beatrice Chang (李效群
Dear Helen (振芳),
On the day I learned that both you and Jason had contracted Covid-19 and that Jason succumbed to the disease and you were still recuperating in the hospital but out of danger, I found the news shocking and unbelievable. Since that day, I have been praying for your speedy and complete recovery. I am sending you my sincerest condolences.

I didn’t know Jason well when we were in college, but I clearly remembered him as a tall, good-looking guy wearing black rimmed glasses and shiny Elvis Presley hairstyle. He had a quiet and gentle demeanor. Some years later, other classmates told me that you two had become a couple and were living in New York City. 

Helen, I can imagine how hard it must have been for you to lose your husband and best friend. Adding to the sorrow and grief was the fact that your own sickness prevented you from being at his bedside, holding his hand and whispering to his ear that you loved him. After his death, you couldn’t personally organize a proper funeral and burial for your beloved husband.  

Helen, your classmates are mourning with you at this difficult time. Please know that you are loved by all of us. In conclusion, I like to pray the following prayer with you:
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
May His face shine upon you,
May He look upon you with kindness and grant 
      you His peace.

Theresa LIU (焦寶進)