Sunday, September 9, 2018

(哲理- 44)【安分與改過】

(哲理- 44)安分與改過



以上兩句是勸人為善的意思。首句十分正確,古人云「過而能改善莫大焉」。又說「過則勿憚改」。西諺: “It is never too late to mend” (改過永遠不太晚) 。漢民族加了『天地』兩字。強調無論做好事或壞事,「天地良心」,「仰不愧於天」,「皇天后土」實所共鑒。有過不改,天地自然無怨,更無怒,但愧對良心。

第二句,安分守己,不做愧心事,心安理得,睡穩平安,鬼神無權干涉,不必恐懼報應。何謂「鬼神有權」? 依道家說法『善有善報,惡有惡報,時機未到,並非不報』,以此律條約束人心為善,以免鬼神干涉。


If people can mend their errors after committing them, Heaven and Earth will not anger at them.

If people are decent and self-contented, ghosts and gods shall have no rights to question their honesty.



Justin Lai


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Justin,

    I am one of friends of Laura Lin(林懿美) in Michigan. Based on one of her close friends, I learned She is your classmate. Unfortunately, I learned she has passed away recently. The officials tried to contact her relatives. We have contacted her close friends here but none of them know too much about her family. Can someone of you may contact her family in Taiwan ? Thanks so much.

    Sue Sung
