Sunday, October 25, 2020




Dear classmates: (致台大外系1963年畢業同學們)

Re: 本人創立部落格造訪人数超過十萬人次紀念

 It’s two months since I last wrote you.  Hopefully, this email message will find each one of you well, cheerful and remaining young.

Today I am very happy to tell you that the number of total visits to our Blog- ( has reached more than ten thousand (100,285). This Blog was established about 5 years ago when I first learned that there has been an Alumni group in USA. Excited, and grateful, I started to found this Blog online.

At the very beginning, I was trying very hard to dedicate myself to building this Blog as a bridge for communication, a memoir, and a forum for friendship. I received from classmates some cheers, encouragement, as well as criticism.  Some people blocked mail from me. Rebuffed as I was by some friends, I was not discouraged. Nevertheless, I kept on adding some good forwarded articles to please classmates.  Furthermore, I continue to provide to classmates, my own works, including pieces of my Chinese calligraphy, and essays of my own writing.

In retrospect of the 4-year college life in Tai-Ta (1959-1963), I did not study very hard. My scholastic records were on an average but satisfactory. However, during my college life, there was one event I still cherish, remember distinctly and I am highly proud of. That was about a Discussion Club -an extra-curricular activity I founded in senior. The club members included Nancy Chiang-蔣徐乃錦(deceased), Timothy Wang(-deceased王禎和), Kay Cheng (鄭兆雲), David Chen(陳大安), 許世玲、Eugene Lai (賴政孝), Athena Ting (丁鶯), me…..etc. Most memorable of all, I invited some members and we put on stage a one-act play, namedthe Dear Departed”, with some of those mentioned above, playing as actors. and actress. By visiting the following Blog @

please see some photos related to the play at the end of this article

 Now with 57 (1963-2020) years after graduation gone, I think I helped classmates establish a forum of communication- a Blog. Be it insignificant, and not so much thought of, I have been devoting myself to the job of connection between classmates. And now the visiting number is over one hundred thousand!  Of course, without classmates’ continued support, I would not have been able to achieve this milestone. Although there might be some other similar Blogs among alumni of Tai-ta Waiwen Xi (台大外文系校友) founded by our seniors or juniors, I am sure this one of ours are enjoying equal or more popularity, and I also believe this popularity will last on and on…….

With time going on, we are advancing in years. Some of us enjoy having fun of playing with family folks, grand childrenothers are fond of travelling, and still others like me staying at home, practicing calligraphy, and writing some articles from time to time. Indeed, our classmates have different styles of leading their life at such ripened age. Whatever we classmates are doing, health is most important of all. With it, our life is colorful and enjoyable! Let us enjoy some phrases comparable to “time and tide wait for no men.”(歲月不待人)

Gone with wind! (春去!)

Autumn comes! (秋来!)

Near is winter!  (冬至)

That’s the way life is!

Wishing you all enjoying good health and leading a happy life, whether living by yourself or with your family!

Justin C. Lai  (賴正雄)




                        中坐者为導演郝继隆神父(Fr. O'Hara),其旁為許世玲(世玲身材不高,
                         並指著美女玲, 問我们:「你们去那一家中学,借来这麽可爱的女                           同学?」 惹得台上師生大笑!!                          


                                           二Prof. Clara Jones-Speech 部分同学

                                 公認演技突出的Kay Cheng (鄭兆雲)-左起第一人。
                                 當然O'Hara 教授導演技术,不瑰是好莱坞出身!


                         主任 (演出請帖是本人親自送至校长室,想不到他準時蒞臨)



                       Clara Jones 教授(第二排右起第一人)的另一Class, 同学


Justin Lai (賴正雄)

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