Discover a world of natural heritage through the winning images from Wiki Loves Earth
The photographic contest focuses on protected areas, unique places of natural heritage, to document them for future generations.

Coming in first place (at top) is a ghostly image of Ogoy Island. Photographer Sergey Pesterev ventured out onto the ice of Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake in the world, and was commended by the contest judges for using cracks in the ice and clouds in the sky to frame the rocky center of the image.
第一名是一個幽靈般的Ogoy島的形象。 攝影師謝爾蓋·佩斯特列夫(Sergey Pesterev)冒險出現在世界上最大的淡水湖貝加爾湖的冰面上,並受到評委們的讚揚,他們使用天空中冰雪的裂縫來塑造岩石中心的形象。

Second place: A jaguar in the Pantanal Conservation Area of Brazil. It was commended by one jury member for its dark background, which they saw as “show[ing] uncertainty” and accentuating the jaguar’s expression. Photo by Leonardo Ramos, CC BY-SA 4.0.
第二名:唯我獨尊-巴西潘塔納爾保護區的美洲虎。 一位陪審團成員讚揚他的黑暗背景,他們認為這是“表現出不確定性”,並強調了美洲虎的表達

Third place: A pair of Eurasian spoonbills in the Danube Biosphere Reserve, Ukraine. This was one jury member’s favorite animal photo from the competition because of its “artwork-like reflections and great dynamism.” Photo by Ryzhkov Sergey, CC BY-SA 4.0.
第三名:双鶴嬉戲-烏克蘭多瑙河生物圈保護區的「水中調情」的一對歐亞琵鷺。 這是一個評審團成員最喜歡的比賽動物照片,因為它的“藝術品般的反映和巨大的活力”。

Fourth place: A water buffalo getting a nice soak in Baluran National Park, Indonesia. A jury member applauded the photo’s blend of “lighting, focus and symmetry of colors”—it may “[take] a while to realize the bull is there in the mud, but then it’s all you can see.” Photo by Candra Firmansyah, CC BY-SA 4.0.
第四名:沐浴的水牛-印度尼西亞巴魯蘭國家公園的水牛。 一位評審團成員為這張照片“照明,對焦和色彩對稱”的融合表示讚賞 - “可能需要一段時間才能意識到公牛已經在泥濘中,但只有這樣你才能看到”。

Fifth place: Three Svalbard reindeer grazing in Bünsow Land National Park, Spitsbergen, Norway. One jury member loved the “clear focus on the animals” and the “change from brown to blue” in the photo. Photo by Siri Uldal, CC BY-SA 4.0.
第五名:馴鹿覓食-三隻斯瓦爾巴特群島馴鹿在挪威Spitsbergen的Bünsow國家公園放牧。 一位陪審團成員喜歡照片中的“對動物的清晰的焦點”以及“從棕色變為藍色”

Sixth place: Pedra Azul (Blue Stone) with the Milky Way above it, located in the eponymous state park in Brazil. Photo by EduardoMSNeves, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Seventh place: A Bornean orangutan. Photo by Ridwan0810, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Eighth place: The Dovbush rocks seen at twilight, located in the Polyanytskiy Regional Landscape Park, Ukraine. Photo by Пивовар Павло, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Ninth place: Aerial shot of Dzharylhach National Nature Park, Ukraine. Photo by Vadym Yunyk, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Tenth place: A Phyllomedusa rohdei frog steps over its friend, seen in Brazil. Photo by Renato Augusto Martins, CC BY-SA 4.0.
第十位:在巴西Phyllomedusa rohdei-青蛙踩踏其友,準備覓食。

Eleventh place: Railroad tracks in Lawachara National Park, Bangladesh, provide a convenient path through the forest. Photo by Pallabkabir, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Twelfth place: One of the three Nilgiri Himal peaks backdrops this shot of a simple suspension bridgeover the Gandaki River in Nepal. Photo by Faj2323, CC BY-SA 4.0.
第十二名:Nilgiri Himal三座山峰之一,背景為尼泊爾甘達基河(Gandaki River)的簡單吊橋。
Justin Lai 編譯
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