Monday, February 26, 2018


作者:BY JANISSA DELZO ON 2/24/18 AT 12:52 PM

Chinese scientists are hoping to build a hypersonic plane that would take only two hours to travel from Beijing to New York City—a trip that would usually take more than 13 hours.
hypersonic flight
In order to pull off the fast trip, the plane would have to travel at more than 5 times the speed of sound. The researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who are behind the aircraft—dubbed ‘I-plane’—from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed the details of the aircraft in a paper published in the journal Physics, Mechanics, & Astronomy.
為了快速的航行,飛機必須以超過5倍的音速飛行。背後的中國科學院的研究人員,稱它為「智慧型飛機」的飛機, 在物理學、力學和天文學雜誌上發表的一篇論文中,研究人員透露了這架飛機的細節。

Although it’s far too soon to begin field tests, the authors note that they’ve already begun testing a smaller version of the hypersonic jet in a wind tunnel. Apparently it was able to hit remarkably high speeds without experiencing any oppositional force.
雖然現在開始做野外測試還為時過早,但作者們指出, 他們已經開始在風洞中測試,一個較小版本的高超音速的噴射機。顯然,它能夠達到驚人的高速度,而不會經歷任何阻力。

“It’s a crazy design, but somehow they’ve managed to make it work,” a Chinese aircraft designer, who works on military research projects, but isn’t involved in I-plane project, told the South China Morning Post.
『這是一個瘋狂的設計,但不知何故,他們已成功地做到』。 一名從事軍事研究專案的,但未參與「「智慧型飛機」飛機的中國飛機設計師,告訴南華早報記者說。

He said that the new design reflects the country’s desire to develop new strategic weapons before the United States does.
“This will require original rather than knock-off designs,” he told the newspaper. “It could lead to a huge step forward in hypersonic technology.”

Meanwhile, in the United States, a couple companies are working on similar aircrafts which are designed to drastically reduce flight time. In early January, Boeing unveiled its hypersonic vehicle design that could “pave the way for a future high-speed strike,” according to Aviation Week.  And Lockheed Martin has envisioned an equally fast aircraft called the “SR-72.”
同時,在美國,若干家公司正在研製類似的飛機, 目的是大幅減少飛行時間。據航空週刊稱,本年1月初,波音推出超高音速汽車的設計,就是『為未來的高速成功出擊奠定基楚』。而洛克希德公司設想了,一架同樣快速的飛機叫做 "SR-72"

“Speed is the next aviation advancement to counter emerging threats in the next several decades. The technology would be a game-changer in theater, similar to how stealth is changing the battle space today,” Brad Leland, Lockheed Martin program manager, Hypersonic, said in a statement.

Justin Lai編譯


Wednesday, February 21, 2018



1)   提得起:
英譯:Endure all you can.
2)   放得下:
英譯:Sacrifice something needed
3)   料得準:
英譯:Predict well.
4)   算得到:
英譯:Calculate precisely
5)   撇得開:
英譯:Evade all trifles.
6)   看得破:
英譯:Be disillusioned.
7)   立得穩:
英譯:Hold firm one’s position.
8)   行得正:
英譯:Behave oneself well.


「得」字作『獲得、取得、得到』等詞,其英譯為get, gain, acquire, obtainprocureachieve, win等。另用在肯定或否定意義時,有「准許、容許」(be allowed, be permitted) 之意,如:

「違規者易科罰金」= Violators shall(are allowed to) pay certain amount of money as penalty. (當然「得」比「須」語氣弱)
「任何人不得擅自離開犯罪現場」Anyone shall(can/ must) not (is not allowed to) leave the crime scene at will.*不得」「禁止」之義。

但在上列八個白話慣用語之「得」,則有 “so….as to…”等於「以致於…. 」。
    He keeps his promise.


Justin Lai 寫於美國


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wisdom of Taiwanese Sayings (1)

閩南話哲理- Wisdom of Taiwanese Sayings (1)

01. 問路靠嘴水,行路靠腳腿。
《英譯》:When asking for road directions, one must be polite; leg strength is  needed  in walking.
《啓示》:Nothing can be gained without efforts & schemes; no pains, no gains.

02. 兩人沒相嫌,糙米煮飯也會粘。
《英譯》:If   two people are not picky or jealous of each other, it will be just as sticky  as cooked raw rice. 
《啓示》:Jealousy is often found between two people. Forgiveness and tolerance                           count.

03. 眾人一款心,黃土變成金,三人四樣心,賺錢不夠買燈心。
《英譯》:If all are of a mind, even dirt can be turned into gold. If all are divided in opinion, nothing can be achieved in joint venture.
《啓示》:眾志成城Union is strength.

04. 做田要有好田邊,住厝要有好厝邊。
《英譯》:Good neighbors are important both on farming land and residence.
《啓示》:睦鄰是重要。Good neighbors are of importance.

05. 要吃稱飯(隔夜飯)也著看天時。
《漢譯》:要吃剩飯() ,也要看時機。
《英譯》:Do not choose to eat food left over unless it is in proper time.
《啓示》:知所進退。Do not make improper or unnecessary concessions.

Justin Lai 編譯


Sunday, February 11, 2018



Most species of crayfish reproduce the same way that humans do: by having sex. But one species of crayfish that evolved out of the pet trade can do something unique—clone itself—and this ability has led populations of the crustacean to spawn out of control.
大多數種類的小龍蝦繁殖的方式如同人類一樣: 經由交配。但是從寵物買賣中,進化出來的一種小龍蝦,可以做一些獨特的事情--本身自我複製,此種能力導致了甲殼類動物的孵卵生育到失控。

For a study published today in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, researchers sequenced the genomes of 11 marbled crayfish, both from the wild and from the pet trade. They found that the genomes in all 11 animals were nearly identical, meaning that they don’t reproduce sexually, and that they are officially a different species than their North American mother species, Procambarus fallax.
對於今天發表在《自然生態學與進化》雜誌上的一項研究,研究人員對11隻大理石螯蝦的基因組,進行了排序, 無論是從野外取得,還是從寵物市場中購得。他們發現,所有11隻動物的基因組幾乎是相同的。這意味著,它們不經由交配繁殖, 而且正式上,它們與北美洲的母種,克氏黃花是完全不同的物種。

The marbled crayfish evolved into a new species out of the pet trade.SINA TÖNGES
「marbled crayfish」的圖片搜尋結果
 “Here we have an evolutionary event that has happened only a very short time ago,” Frank Lyko, head of divisions of epigenetics at the German Cancer Research Center, told Newsweek. “Certainly there will be some changes, genetic changes over time, that will make it more normal. At this specific time point in evolution it’s very unique.”
「在這裡,我們有一個很短時間前發生的進化事件」弗蘭克 Lyko說,他是德國癌症研究中心的遺傳學分部負責人,他告訴新聞週刊:「當然隨著時間的推移,會有一些變化,基因的變化,這將使它更正常。在此進化特定的時間點上,它是非常獨特的」。

「marbled crayfish」的圖片搜尋結果

Lyko explained that forming a new species usually takes evolution thousands of years or more. However, it was only a few decades ago that the North American species of crayfish entered the pet trade, and now a different, exceptional species has emerged from them.
Lyko 解釋說,要形成一個新物種,通常需要上千年或更多時間的進化。然而, 就在幾十年前, 北美的螯蝦品種,進入了寵物交易市場,現在又出現了不同的、異乎尋常的物種。
The way that this new species formed is exceptional as well. P. fallaxcame to Germany as a pet, sold over the internet and in pet and aquarium stores. But some time between 1990 and 1995, the animals evolved into a new species. The new species had marbled coloring, and people first noticed that it was different from the original species because there was only one sex.
“People wondered, ‘it's only females, where are the males?’” Lyko said.  
這種新物種的形成方式也很特殊。對德國而言,fallaxcame作為寵物,在網上和水族館商店出售。但在19901995之間的一段時間,這些動物進化成一個新的品種。新的品種有大理石的顏色,人們首先注意到, 它是不同於原始品種,因為只有一個性別。「人們想知道," 這只是雌性, 雄性在哪裡? Lyko 說。
It turns out that marbled crayfish only exist in female form, spawning clones of themselves two or three times a year in a process called parthenogenesis.
The marbled crayfish can start with one and then clone itself into millions.RANJA ANDRIANTSOA

Because they spawn so quickly and easily, they’re easy to breed (clone) in captivity. That made them ideal for people selling the animals as pets, but it became a problem for people who only want one in their aquarium.
“You put them into your aquarium and a year later you have hundreds of them,” Lyko explained. No dad required.
「marbled crayfish」的圖片搜尋結果
因為它們產卵得如此迅速和容易,它們在圈養時就很容易滋生繁衍。這使他們作為寵物出售,是合乎理想的。 但它對於只想要他們生活在水族館的人,就成為一個難題。Lyko 解釋說: 『你把它們放進水族館,一年後你會有數以千計的魚』。不需要雄性魚類的幫忙
Then what are you going to do? You can kill the others, sell them, or release them into nearby waterways. If the animals were once your pets, you might be inclined to release the extras—which, in turn, can create thousands more rapidly.
「marbled crayfish」的圖片搜尋結果
那你打算怎麼辦?你可以殺死其他應, 賣掉它們,或者把它們放到附近的水域裡。如果這些動物曾經是你的寵物,你可能會傾向于釋放,這些額外的附加物--反過來, 它可以更快地創造出數以千計的魚。
That’s how the species became invasive to Germany and Madagascar where they were also popular pets. The scientists concluded that there are now millions of this unique but unstoppable creature crawling throughout Madagascar and constantly multiplying.
這就是該魚種如何侵入德國和馬達加斯加 在那裡他們也是受歡迎的寵物。科學家們得出結論,現在有數以百萬計的這種獨特,但不可阻擋的魚類生物,爬入遍及在整個馬達加斯加島,和不斷繁殖中。

Justin Lai  編譯
