10 Truly Disgusting Facts About Ancient Roman Life
10. People Washed Their Mouths Out With Urine- 用尿液嗽口-漢醫有主張,飲用自己尿液治癌症的療法,不知是否東西方有醫學有異曲同工之妙

7Gladiator Blood Was Used As Medicine-把古羅馬戰士流出的血液當藥物使用

6. Women Rubbed Dead Skin Cells Of Gladiators On Their Faces-婦女將死去戰士的皮塗抹在臉上-以增吸引男人之魅力

Women would rub the cream all over their faces, hoping the dead skin cells of a gladiator would make them irresistible to men.
5Pompeii Was Filled With Obscene Art-龐培城市充滿淫穢藝術-如陽具

4Dangerous Places Had Drawings Of Penises For Good Luck-危險地方有陽具圖畫代表好運

3. Romans Hold The First Recorded Mooning-羅馬人持有早期的懒散記錄

2. Romans Vomited So They Could Keep Eating-羅馬人的飲食習慣,吃到飽撐,然後吐出,吐完再吃

1. Charioteers Drank An Energy Drink Made Of Goat Dung-戰車駕駛員喝下甪羊屎做的健康飲料

Romans didn’t have Band-Aids, so they found another way to patch up wounds. According to Pliny the Elder, people in Rome patched up their scrapes and wounds with goat dung. Pliny wrote that the best goat dung was collected during the spring and dried but that fresh goat dung would do the trick “in an emergency.”-
That’s an attractive image, but it’s hardly the worst way Romans used goat dung. Charioteers drank it for energy. They either boiled goat dung in vinegar or ground it into a power and mixed it into their drinks. They drank it for a little boost when they were exhausted.
This wasn’t even a poor man’s solution. According to Pliny, nobody loved to drink goat dung more than Emperor Nero himself.
此方劑甚至並非窮人之藥方。據說它是暴君尼羅王之最愛。Justin Lai 選輯
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